Fjord Sound

Fjord Sound(semi-CPJ songs and lyrics for Vocal)

As opposed to the other CPJ concepts, Fjord Sound basically doesn’t satisfy the rhythmic complexity, it concentrates on harmonic complexity and philosophical lyrics.

It’s consecutively been expanding the threshold limit value of frequency in harmonic modulation in vocal compositions whenever the newest Fjord Sound tune is written, with its extremely multi-modal multi-tonal harmony and vertically hybrid chord structures.

It’s also characterized by the movement against the universal tendency of love-song lyric paradise. The lyrics of Fjord Sound songs are consistently philosophical, while most of zillions of songs that exists on the face of the earth boast of their love-song lyrics. If all the song lyrics are  written for love, doesn’t it sarcastically mean human being might be willing to give up its superiority over the other creatures?

The name ‘Fjord Sound‘ comes from Fjord (fjord in Norwegian language) and Sound(fjord in English language used in New Zealand), so the two words both mean ‘fjord’.

Fjord Sound(フィヨルドサウンド)とは、CPJ Mujikにあって、歌詞のある歌ものコンテンポラリージャズのコンセプトで、同時にレーベル、ジャンルそして、時折バンドサウンドとして機能しています。



☆Fjord Sound (CPJ written for vocal)

41.FS001.The Colors of Light (Obersee, Germany)             video1
42.FS002.Emerald Valley (接岨峡, Japan)                            video1
43.FS003.Bird’s Eye Prospect (Aurlandfjord, Norway)    video1 video2
44.FS004.Limonnaya (Хабаровск, Russia)                         video1
45.FS005.Fly Blind (Ålesund, Norway)                                  video1
46.FS006.Firefly (Silver Spring,MD.U.S.A.)                         video1
47.FS007.Lakes & Forests’ View (Joensuu, Finland)         video1
48.FS008.Labyrinth (神流, Japan)                                           video1
49.FS009.Fjord Sound (Milford Sound, New Zealand)     video1
50.FS010.Far East Jingle (京都, Japan)                                    video1



The Colors of Light /Fjord Sound

前代未聞の複雑怪奇なハーモニーのボーカルジャズ!Fjord Sound第2弾!

The Colors of Light / Fjord Sound FS-0002   ¥2,500(tax included)

Jazz Life(2012年6月号102ページ)に長門竜也氏によるディスクレビューが掲載されています


1. 41.FS001.The Colors of Light
2. 49.FS009. Fjord Sound
3. 51.KS001.Kaleidoscape
4. 46.FS006.Firefly
5.44.FS004. Limonnaya 
6. 150.FS020.Deja Vu
7. One-Note Bossa
8. That’s the Way It Is
9. Cafe Socis
10. 149. FS019.Take the ‘F’ Train to ‘J’ St.

All Compositions by Akihiko ‘JOKER’ Matsui (松井秋彦)

Yuki Maeda (前田祐希) Vocal
Akihiko ‘JOKER’ Matsui(松井秋彦)Piano, Keyboards, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Voice-Percussion, Vocal
Terumichi YAMADA(山田晃路) Acoustic Bass
Ittoku Shimamura(嶋村一徳)Drums


‘The Sound of Fjords’ / Fjord Sound

CPJの中で最もハーモニーに傾倒したコンセプト、Fjord Sound第1弾!

The Sound of Fjords / Fjord Sound FS-0001 ¥2,500(tax included)



1. Simplify Your Life(シンプルに生きよ)
2. 47.FS007.Lakes & Forests’ View(森と湖の風景)(FS007)
3. 42.FS002.Emerald Valley (エメラルドの泉)(FS002)
4. 48.FS008.Labyrinth (迷宮)(FS008)
5.43.FS003. Bird’s Eye Prospects (鳥瞰)(FS003)
6. 141.FS011.Ju-la-pi-lu-la-cha-di (ジュラッピルカッチャディ)
7. 46.FS006.Fly Blind (夢想飛行)(FS006)
8.146.FS016. Swifty (バイカル湖のスウィフティー)
9. 143.FS013.Vinterhavn (ノルウェーの喫茶店)
10.148.FS018. Bumpy Vamp (波瀾万丈)

All Compositions by Akihiko ‘JOKER’ Matsui (松井秋彦)

Yuki Maeda (前田祐希) Vocal
Akihiko ‘JOKER’ Matsui(松井秋彦)Piano, Keyboards, Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocal, Finland Mug
Shinichi Kato(加藤真一) Acoustic Bass
Ittoku Shimamura(嶋村一徳)Drums


41.FS001.The Colors of Light (Obersee, Germany)

The fog was like the icebergs on an immense tract of deserted shoreline that’s so thick,
along Antarctic stretches.
Symbolic of an innocent guy who has spent his life imprisoned without ethic,
which ruined his life sketches.

Off and on, the blurred sunlight blended and turned the cloud vaguely bright.
Just for a while, unveiled an unveiled pool of cobalt green came in sight.

Reflected on the water is the cloud that seems like the mood from the abyssal benthic,
as bizarre as the fetches.
It might be like floating by the boomerang nebula since things were neolithic,
being bored to tears like wretches.

At the end, the sunlight managed to find a crevis in the cloud.
All of a sudden, a whole spectrum of brighter lights were allowed.
Oh, that was much like the sound of fjord that is not too loud.
Miraculously dramatic changes in ‘The Colors of Light’.

42.FS002.Emerald Valley (接岨峡, Japan)

The profound view
Far beyond few
of those mountains in sight
the hidden part of the breathtaking tableau in blue
Blue in green makes the color emerald

Deep into the subconscious mind
Far into the deserted land
So deep into the mountains
no one makes it there

Inside of you
resides new
spectacle of the ‘Emerald Valley’ flowing

into the lake
emerald lake
reflecting the colors of various trees
The colors of those coniferous trees
reflecting the ups and downs of
the complex mind of yours that keeps floating around

43.FS003.Bird’s Eye Prospect (Ålesund, Norway)

Wandering around the plain field
never knowing what you could do to make it a game
that you might be finding so neat
though beating around the bush without reaching anywhere is worthless
so you have got to find the clue
to take off the ground and
over the land we all live

Floating like a songbird
overlooking the land
far below you
would probably give you the right clue
The prospects you get from far
above in the air
so high in the air
visibility is so clear.
Unbeatably spectacular sight of what is
ahead of you can be seen


44.FS004.Limonnaya (Хабаровск, Russia)

Looking out the window all that I see is 
In my compartment there is Wolfgang from West Germany

Mila and Sveta form the heart of Moscow
are cheerful conductresses of the train.

Every once in a while they bring in our room some
Wafers of orange flavor and glasses of Russian tea.

Time and magpies fly to the city of Khabarovsk
Where we get off the train
Time to say Dasvidanya to my Limmonaya!

45.FS005. Fly Blind (Aurlandsfjord, Norway)


So jubilantly
‘Mt. McKinley
Fly Blind


So clandestinely
‘Don Mattingly
‘Fly Blind’.

‘Fly Blind’  ‘Fly Blind’     ‘Fly Blind’
Fly as the east wind blows
Fly as the west wind blows
Fly as the south wind blows
Fly as the north wind blows

As you can see you’ll find it there
All the cool hip licks you want
Imagine and let yourself  ‘Fly Blind’.

46. FS006.Firefly (Silver Spring,MD.U.S.A.)

There’s no more time left for us on the earth
It’s about time we left this wounded planet
No one knows how to breathe
Within the realm of sovereignty
Radioactive density
Men without generosity
Omnipresent atrocity
Fireflies know how to fly out of here
I know they all glitter
They like nights better
Sooner or later
Each of ‘em will pretend to be a shooting star
Flying from inner to outer
I would live on a star
That’s created by fireflies that once flew away from here
In pursuit of peace with warmer
Hearts and brighter
Skies and purer
Air of ‘Fireflies’



47.FS007.Lakes & Forests’ View (Joensuu, Finland)

Nights are so bright in the northern light.

Scandinavian nights are always bright.
That’s the way it can be in Sweden.
Trains stop in the forest all of a sudden.
Unlike the way it is in the middle of Manhattan.
Station wagon cafes are driven
into the forest where coffe and bread are given.

Don’t remember having to walk much.
Drivers were so kind I din’t even hitch.
That’s the way it might be in Norway.
I got picked up on the way.
They all said they were heading for the same place anyway,
back from the trekking trails that lay
towards pulpit rock way
over Lysefjord’s gateway.

Hospitality is the keyword.
None of these friendly guys are absurd.
That’s the Finnish way of treating you.
Finland welcomes what you do.
You will be inviter to their homes in Joensuu.
Bars on the trains are packed and neumorous ‘Lakes & Forests’ view’.


48.FS008.Labyrinth (神流, Japan)

Mosey on downhill right along the lake.

Cosy place known to be a wriggling lake.

Rambling days seem to be worthless
though it’s indispensable
at some points in my life.

You might think it’s boring lonesome trip.
Few of these places sound familiar to you.

Sometimes when life gets stangnant being stranded,
floating around like this might be a good way to

cure your mind’s stanstill
although your goal is nowhere.
Purely natural maze of forest.
Labyrinth‘    Labyrinth
In an ancient hotel, write a tune called ‘Labyrinth
that tells you the meaning of this aimless drifting is.

49. FS009. Fjord Sound (Geirangerfjord, Norway) 

Wonder who painted the flowers on the earth so flamboyant.
All the fjords ‘round the world are so brilliant.

No one really knows who wanted the creatures to exist.
In two billion years, everything will be lost in the mist.

Whatever dimensions you might be in, the sound of fjords will last forever more!

50.FS010.Far East Jingle (京都, Japan)

The cool fancy nights
featuring those who want to be ones

that in the end, unveil the mystery of wondrous lights
that is in the east end of the whole world.
The golden island that sits sticking out of great Eurasia.
That’s where ‘Far East Jingle’ stays

out of reach.
if you dive
on the big red Siberian train.

Hard to reach
through the vibe
of the Silk Road lane.

Eastern beach
so alive
unaccessible seems to gain

Far more fascinating awesome atmosphere.
Striking gems of high-end goods all year
People are so warm, nature is so wild, you’d find it hard not to stick around here!










活気に満ちた東の最果ての その辿り着きにくさこそが



人々は温かく 自然は美しいんだ



141,FS011.Ju-la-pi-lu-ka-cha-di (Sligo Creek,MD.U.S.A.)
143.FS013.Vinterhavn(Trondheim, Norway)
144.FS014.Highlights  of Citylights (Cambridge,MA.U.S.A.)

145.FS015.Tension City (Forest Hills,MA.U.S.A.)
146.FS016.Swifty (Иркутск, Russia)
147.FS017.Drowsiness (指扇, Japan)
148.FS018.Bumpy Vamp (서울특별시, Korea)
149.FS019.Take the F train to J St.(Brooklin,NY.U.S.A.)
150.FS020.Déjà Vu (Paris, France)


141.FS011.Ju-la-pi-lu-ka-cha-di (Sligo Creek,MD.U.S.A.)


Along Sligo Creek, ride a bike.
Nice scent of hot summer hike.

Squirrels are scurrying around wild mulberry trees.
Spur-of-the-moment splurge on the ‘Explorer’.
Spurting summer days of cycling
Stir the land near the cathedral.

Just freeze some of my diet coke.
Reese, Snickers, and Doritos.

PARkway goes right along the stream of Rock Creek.
MARking the highlights of summer vacation.
MARs, Twix, and some Honey Roasted.
BARs of junk foods paradise.



Frantic Scatting walking down the hallway is just like when you tap down the stairs.
All kinds of idiosyncrasy when you’re not tipsy is so neat.
Flipping your pencil while you fill out the form is not as weird as frantic scatting.
Idiosyncratic tendencies. Idiosyncratic tendencies. Idiosyncratic tendencies.
Idiosyncratic tendencies help you stay well.

143.FS013.Vinterhavn(Trondheim, Norway)

The train stopped at Storlien, a frontier of Sweden out in the middle of nowhere.
That’s where you started talking to me totally out of the blue.
We both crossed the border into the Norwegian ranges
of mountains where you said
‘It was something that changes
the rest of our journey around western fjords.
Trondheim lies on the west of all.
Trondheim knows the rest of all.

144.FS014.Highlights  of Citylights (Cambridge,MA.U.S.A.)

The hub is where the jazzy things are happening every single night!
The tension chords! multi-modal! polyrhythms!
Those Berklee days I jogged from Cambridge to Boston to be jazzier!

Cool stuff
that I come across
while I’m asleep
might turn out to be
the melody of my song

Cool stuff
that I come across
while I’m awake
might turn out to add some taste to the song I’ve written

Cool licks
that I come across
while I’m writing
might turn out to be
the melody of my tune

Cool licks
that I come across
while I’m playing
might turn out to add some taste to what I improvise

‘cause I want to live away from the city
though would be better off living around the campus
dicided to do my homework at school
Sounds like it’s a peace of cake to do your homework right there
That way I can run to school every morning
I see you’ve got nothing that you have to carry around
That’s right I’ve got both of my 
hands free for jogging
When it’s a tough homework you find yourself running back home so late and end up crossing the river to see
Highlights of Citylights

145.FS015.Tension City (Forest Hills,MA.U.S.A.)

Is it kind of weird that I prefer to come home
to where it is surrounded by forest, hills and waterscapes,
while I’m musician who is pretty much into the type of music
that implies urban modernization of some gorgeous citysscapes.
Right in between those two wholly different things,
there has to be the reason why he sings,
I need to have both of those two swinging wings
to make my life a
bright, exciting, diversified one.
Something a finicky guy like me can be satisfied to the point
where I might wanna shout out ‘Yeah!’

146.FS016.Swifty (Иркутск, Russia)

Lonesome journey continues until I met you there
in Paris of Siberia where it was to be my last destination of this trip.
When I first saw you,
I never knew that I was gonna meet you later in a lethargic atmosphere.

On the dismal drizzly day,
heading for lake Baikal right through the dense white mist
that covered not only the landscape but also our flowing mind.
On the ‘Swifty,
The pieces of chocolate you gave left the taste of bittersweet memories of Siberia.

147.FS017.Drowsiness (指扇, Japan)

One of the tranquil Drowsy days,
out of work for a couple of months and 16 days.
Fretting is not the thing I want.
Just keep it laid back.
Never worry about what’s lying ahead of me,
lying on the floor.

Optimistic ‘drowsiness comes in through the open windows.
Lay things aside way down the hall.

Daydreaming might be what I’ve done.
They might say that’s the way you somehow hang in there.

148.FS018.Bumpy Vamp (서울특별시, Korea)

What you’ve been telling me is totally wrong,
as far as I’m concerned.
As you might have noticed,
there’s some bumpy roads lying ahead of you.
Reshuffling,moving, job-hopping.
Out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire type thing
might be something seen once in a while,
but sit upright and keep striving for some natural thing
that is not too tense or too laid back then you would surely
get out of the vicious cycle.
That would let you get rid of the bump
and that’s the time your steady glide sets in.
That’s the way it works!
That’s the reason I am saying,
‘What you’ve been telling me is totally wrong!’

149.FS019.Take the F train to J St.(Brooklin,NY.U.S.A.)

So, take the ‘F’ train down to ‘J’ street.
Oh, Sadowsky guitars are so neat.
New york is a place with excitement.
You might finally know what I meant.

Hanging around the corners of the Big Apple to see
Handy proof of the fact that it’s a place for Typsy Gypsy.

Take the ‘F’ train to Bowery street.
Fake the melody off down beat.

150.FS020.Déjà Vu (Praiano, Italy)

Some say there no meaning to life.
Meaning to war and some strife.
You have the chores as a housewife.
And work so hard all your life.

Two weeks of oceanscapes in Praiano.
The ballgame I saw with Bruno.
Relaxing days spent playing UNO.
Debating to see yes or no.

All the fond mem’ries do maen a lot to my own perception
as we keep recollecting each of them.

All of those fond mem’ries.
They all end so quickly.
There’s an ending to every single scene.

All of those fond mem’ries.
They all end so quckly.
End in a flash.
Don’t they mean anything?

Reminiscence of all the things,
of all the timeless experience of Déjà Vu.
Once it’s been fermented
as you wanted.
never ever fade away.